🗃️ Office Suites And Notes
18 items
📄️ Firefox Deployment
Firefox is a versatile, open-source web browser developed by Mozilla, offering users a secure and customizable online experience. With a user-friendly interface and cross-platform compatibility, Firefox prioritizes security and privacy through features like Enhanced Tracking Protection and Private Browsing. It supports a range of extensions for enhanced functionality, provides robust tab management, and continually optimizes performance. As an open-source project, Firefox involves a global community, ensuring regular updates and a commitment to accessibility. It's not just a browser; it's your trusty sidekick for safe and enjoyable internet exploration. 🦊🌐🔒
📄️ Grafana deployment
Grafana is the ultimate data analytics and visualization tool, transforming raw numbers into vibrant charts and dashboards. Compatible with various platforms, including PC, Mac, and Raspberry Pi, Grafana is open source, empowering users to customize and share their data playground. Acting as a data detective, it connects seamlessly to diverse data sources, creating a centralized hub for insights.
📄️ Joomla
Joomla is the superhero of open-source web development, simplifying website creation and management. With a user-friendly interface, it empowers users to effortlessly add and organize content, be it articles, images, or videos. Think of Joomla as a versatile wardrobe for your website, offering various templates and themes to dress it up.
📄️ Media Wiki Deployment
MediaWiki, the force behind Wikipedia, is more than software; it's the architect of collaborative knowledge creation. Users, like a team of friends, contribute and edit articles, creating a digital playground for learning and sharing. With a detailed version control system, users can navigate through the history of changes and revert if needed.
📄️ Node Red Deployment
Node-RED transforms programming into an imaginative journey, allowing users to visually wire together hardware devices, APIs, and online services. The browser-based editor acts as a canvas, letting users intuitively connect nodes like digital Lego blocks to create intricate flows. With one-click deployment, your ideas spring to life instantly. For those with a penchant for JavaScript, the editor includes a rich text editor for crafting intricate functions.
📄️ WordPress MySQL
WordPress is a dynamic, open-source content management system (CMS) powered by PHP and designed to seamlessly integrate with MySQL or MariaDB databases. As an open-source CMS, it provides an adaptable platform for website creation and management. WordPress utilizes PHP to dynamically generate web content, ensuring flexibility.
📄️ WordPress SQLite
What's WordPress SQLite?