📄️ Atheos
Atheos is a modern and actively maintained fork of Codiad, which is a web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) framework. Rooted in simplicity, Codiad facilitates swift and interactive development with minimal resource requirements. Atheos inherits these qualities while providing updates and ongoing support, making it an excellent choice for developers seeking an efficient web-based IDE without the burden of heavyweight desktop editors.
📄️ Cloud 9
Cloud9 - Web-Based IDE with Terminal Access
📄️ code server Deployment
Code-server - Visual Studio Code on a Remote Server
📄️ Pylon - Web-Based IDE
Pylon is a web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) crafted with Node.js serving as the backend, complemented by a robust JavaScript/HTML5 frontend. Released under the GPL version 3 license, this project traces its roots back to the Cloud9 v2 initiative. With a user-friendly interface and extensive functionality, Pylon facilitates seamless and collaborative software development. It stands out for its open-source nature, making it a versatile choice for developers seeking an efficient and feature-rich web IDE.